Category: Uncategorized

Model: Supermaring Spitfire Mk.I at 1/72 scale

This is my second build and things were considerably a lot smoother. I especially liked the camouflage that came out great using masking using Silly Putty. There were still problems with clear coats when I tried to use Tamiya X-22 and Tamiya Lacquer Thinner failed miserably and I had to switch back to Tamiya TS-79 […]

Model : P-47M Thunderbolt at 1/72 scale

This build is my first build and is also the longest. I started this back in early 2018 and stopped in middle discouraged by the way the airbrush/compressor combo operated. I restarted this build after getting a new air compressor which works well and also allows controlling the air pressure based on the medium you […]

Getting Remote Work Done – eBook

Book Cover

This is a book that I have been working for a while on. Given the recent interest in remote work, I went ahead and published it so that it could be helpful to everyone interested. This is still work in progress, but can be considered as a good starting point to read. The book is […]


Photography gear doesn’t matter as much as the ability to see what is out there. But good gear does help with realizing that vision. This is what I use today: As a lightweight carry-anywhere alternative I use the following Previous camera bodies Previous lenses