Category: Notes

Why job titles don’t matter

One of the first things that I initially struggled with as we grew is what title a new hire should have. If someone has more than 5 years experience does it mean they are a senior, while if they have more than 10 years they are a principal engineer and so forth? Turns out this […]

When companies go bad slowly

Many companies start with the best of intentions, to serve their customers, and to build the best possible product and to be the best at what they do. Slowly, however, something happens to them. Initially, the change is small, insignificant, and doesn’t hurt anyone. One thing leads to another and before you can see it, […]

Managing starts with Trust

As I started managing people, this is one of those things that I wish I found out early. As you hire someone and work with them, you need to trust them completely that they are going to work out and that they are going to do their job and that they are going to do […]

Most hiring success predictors are useless

If you read books or blogs on hiring, you might be led to believe that there is a magic set of top attributes that make a difference for a hire or that play a critical role in predicting the success of a team member in a company. After hiring (and sadly having to let go) […]